Saturday, December 10, 2011

Remember the Night

Do you still remember that night?
The night when we sat down at the fast food restaurant,
while you waiting on me decided answer to what could be the biggest decision in our life?

I want to share you a secret.
Pstt.. that night, when the clock chimed 12 times and the midnight came..

Actually I didn't know what to say.
My heart conflicted so much that i can't hear anything clearly.

So I just whisper prays in my breath.

"Bismillah, bismillah, bismillah. If he is my destiny God, so let us unite, and make him the best for me."
And i took the bravery to say yes.
A simple word that take us so far.

And today, I thank God for the courage.
For without it, we will never exist together.
And I will never found you, my whole package in one deal.

Bismillah. Happy 6th monthversary, may we always be what we all needed :*